I was born and raised in the North of England, but Scotland has been my home for over a decade now, and the mountains here have felt a part of me for much longer than that; with so many childhood memories of skiing in Glencoe, or getting sunburned in the Nevis range, there's no question about the inheritance of my grandfathers pasty Lanarkshire skin!
My photography journey started in my teens, but had a lot of interesting twists and turns en route to where I am today. Learning is a lifelong adventure, and I'm still honing my craft after years of working in the outdoor industry and tourism, where I learned how to cater for all manner of groups and situations; skills which have served me well in the wedding photography and event photography worlds.
My passions in life are the mountains, stories, and seeing new things! I love capturing people in nature, as relaxed and auto-genic as possible. I like working without flashes where possible, or using off camera flashes where not, experimenting with different lighting and quirky setups on the off days.